【オンライン】(英語で)Hello Points Workshop L1 | アカデミープログラム(共催:Jennifer Shinkai)
2022年 2月17日(木)13時00分~15時00分 2月18日(金)13時00分~17時30分(途中休憩あり) |
AREA | Online |
PLACE | オンライン(ZOOM) |
一般参加者 66,000円(税込) ※コーチングゲーム1セット、パンクタム1セットが含まれます。 認定者限定 特別価格 11,000円(税込) ※ コーチングゲーム、パンクタムは含まれません。 |
Hello Points Workshop|L1.Explorer|Welcome to Our World.
※English is follow.
Points of You®の世界へようこそ。
さて、あなたはどのワードに惹かれますか? あなたの専門性は何ですか?
汎用的にさまざまな目的に活用できるツール”Points of You®︎”2種類と、驚きの体験を通して自分をアップデートする旅に出かけましょう。オンラインでも体験できる、このエキサイティングなワークショップでは、Points of You®のメソッドとツールを学び、ユニークな形式のコミュニケーションと対話を体験することで、あなたのプロフェッショナルのノウハウに新しい技術を追加します。
Points of You®との出会いを通して、自分自身との出会いを体験してください。
Hello Points に参加すると、Points of You® Explorerに認定されます。
Welcome to Points of You®︎
Experience the power of our pattern breaking coaching tools on Level.1 ‘Hello Points’ Workshop coming to Tokyo Online in English. Take your first and exciting step into Points of You® Academy.
Join thousands of professionals around the world who are using our innovative and creative tools on a daily basis. Integrate our phototherapy based tool for 1:1 sessions and group environments.
Learn how to use our best sellers – ‘The Coaching Game’ and ‘Punctum’ in creating a unique form of communication and add new skills to your professional know how.
Who is it for?
Coaches, Trainers, Facilitators, Counsellors, Managers who want to help people open heart, break patterns and create a sense of belonging with an introduction to Points of You® Tools.
In this 6-hour course you will learn ways to facilitate “unexpected but precise” insights in individual, one on one, and group work using the Points of You® tools. By understanding the philosophy and background of the tools in depth, you will be able to create an unlimited number of experiences for your participants.
During the course you will have hands on experience of several ways to use two tools – The Coaching Game and Punctum. You will be able to develop new ways to engage people in meetings, workshops, coaching or counselling sessions.
You will leave as a Certified Points of You® L1 Explorer with your own set of The Coaching Game, Punctum and a textbook.
What is included in the course fee?
The ¥66,000 Investment (including tax) includes 6 hours of seminar, an English Text, 1 set of The Coaching Game in English, 1 set of Punctum in English Points of You® International Accreditation Registration Fee.
How do I register?
Sign up on Peatix
You will need to provide your postal address so we can send your tools to you before the sessionPoints of You®の コンセプト
Points of You® のカード
コーチングゲームを使ったZooming In
楽しく、気楽に、 そして驚くほど深いプロセスを体験しよう。
パンクタムをつかったMy Story
Hello Points 2日間(合計6時間)L.1 コンセプトパック
Points of You® Explorer(6 CCEUs from ICF)
日時:2022年 2月 17日(木)13時00分~15時00分/ 2月18日(金)13時00分~17時30分(途中休憩あり)会場:オンライン(ZOOM)
一般 66,000円(税込) ※テキスト、コーチングゲーム・パンクタム各1個がつきます
認定者限定価格 11,000円(税込)※L1コンセプトバックつき ツールはつきません
ファシリテーター:ジェニファー・新開 / 藤沢由美子 Points of You®Expert
主催・連絡先:藤沢由美子 yyumicoach(at) (at)は@と置き換えてお送りください
About the Facilitators
Jennifer Shinkai is the only person delivering the L1 Hello Points Workshop in English in Tokyo.
Jennifer Shinkai is a Points of You® Level 3 Expert (Global)/Master (Japan) and regularly uses the tool in individual coaching, group workshops and facilitation. Her clients are global professionals working in diverse teams. Points of You® enables them to communicate complex and complicated ideas smoothly and gain insight into themselves and their team.Yumiko Fujisawa is ACC, Points of You® Expert, Facilitator, Professional Coach and Mental Health Social Worker started working with Points of You®︎ in 2012. Yumiko regularly uses Points of You® in individual coaching, group workshops and facilitation. Her clients are business people, managers and university students in coaching area, as well as working with mothers with infants in her mental health practice. Points of You® enables Yumiko’s clients to motivate themselves, promote leadership, and grow as a team.
You must join both days to complete the course
Wednesday February 16, 2022 13:00-15:00
Thursday February 17, 2022 13:00-17:30◉ The minimum number of participants is 4 people, Maximum 8
◉ On the day, as a student, experience the world of Points of You® Academy in a fresh way.
◉ Please note that videos may be recorded on the day.
◉ The details of the online venue such as ZOOM will be notified directly to those registered<さらに深く進むには L2 Creative Practice Workshop 16時間のプログラム>
◉当日は受講者としてPoints of You®Academyの世界を新鮮にご体験ください。
1. As an official certified person, you are allowed to hold your workshops, provide coaching services by incorporating Points of You® into sessions such as self-coaching and counseling.
2. You can get various tools at special prices and sell them to get revenues.
3. You may be able to participate as an observer (free) in the Evangelist Training Program held by certified trainers. - HOW TO APPLY
- 注文・支払い
- 受講申込み・認定書の記載情報登録
- *注文後に必ず受講申込みフォームの入力をお願いいたします。